Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 27 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 48 Today's Topics: Anti-flamewar proposal. Application of the VSC-1/Atari 1040ST Image Processing System Arcgsh 4.1 (2 msgs) Atari 1040STe/30Meg HD/Mono Monitor $550 codehead TEC query (2 msgs) FTP for PD software Multifinder for Atari-ST ? pcditto software on a TT? Sozobug 1.33i (2 msgs) space empire (game) searching... Supra Interface PROBLEM System 7 and Spectre VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's (2 msgs) XENIX/UNIX on ST's ? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27 Jan 92 01:13:59 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!!!malgu!!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm!ndsuvm1!mtus5! (Jeff McWilliams) Subject: Anti-flamewar proposal. To: Well, I thought I would add something from the Atari 8 bit side to this thread, as it seems the MOST INTELLIGENT thing I've read regarding the Amiga Versus the Atari ST/STE/TT yet. What I hate about the Atari 8 bit ..... Lack of a good ANSI C compiler. There are a few PD c compilers for it, and only one commercial C compiler that wasn't a heck of a lot better. There was a decent Pascal Compiler, but it has a serious bug in it that hinders code of larger than about 8K in size. Slow processor speed. Even the Apple II has processor speed upgrades. Half the problem is the Antic chip, which is responsible for the screen display, just isn't designed to run any faster than 1.8mHz. Since some higher resolution needs to be implemented on the 8 bit the ANTIC could be shut off and a faster machine could be realized. Heck, the Lynx uses the same processor as the Atari 8 bit basically, only it runs at about 8 mHz... Like I said, better graphics. I don't need something awesome like 1280x960, 640x480 would be great , even in monochrome mode. That's all I don't really like , now for what I like. Longevity - this computer has been my baby for about eight years now, and it is still meeting most of my BASIC computing needs even with computers like the TT and the 486 40's selling today. Simplicity - the operating system is easy to program and understand. The processor isn't so complex as to make your head spin. Upgradeability - even with the "old technology" that it has, I can take advantage of Hard Drives, IBM keyboards, and 1.44meg floppy drives. Sure my computer is no longer on the cutting edge technology wise, but I am not afraid of it either. It doesn't bother me to pry off the cover and look inside, seeing what really makes it tick. I am not afraid of designing a circuit to do this or that.. it's fairly simple and straight forward. The 8 bit community is a friendly one, and being part of it gives me a warm sense of family. I don't feel like just "another PC clone owner" among an ocean of clone owners. Jeff McWilliams JJMCWILL@MTUS5.CTS.MTU.EDU GEnie: J.MCWILLIAM3 "Atari 8-bit die hards never run out of power" ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 07:29:39 GMT From:!! (Ron Carter) Subject: Application of the VSC-1/Atari 1040ST Image Processing System To: There was someone that was looking for the ref. mentioned in the title of this message (Application of...); whoever that was, drop me some email; I have a copy of the article for you... -- Ron Carter | rcarter GEnie 70707.3047 CIS Director | Center for the Study of Creative Intelligence Denver, CO | Knowledge is power. Knowledge to the people. Just say know. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 07:31:50 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!mailgzrz!!uniol!unido!fbi-news!tommy! (Rainer Klute) Subject: Arcgsh 4.1 To: Some people made me aware of a bug in Arcgsh 4.0: If you have more than two desk accessories registered, the "ARCGSH" menu is distorted. (Usually I don't have more than two accessories so I didn't notice it.) This bug is fixed with the new Arcgsh 4.1. I just uploaded it to, and it should soon show up in the directory /atari/archivers as arcgsh41.zoo. I also sent Arcgsh 4.1 to Steven Grimm who should post it to Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.bitnet Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663 D-W4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386 ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 10:34:39 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: Arcgsh 4.1 To: In article <1992Jan27.073150.27695@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE> (Rainer Klute) writes: > Some people made me aware of a bug in Arcgsh 4.0: If you have more than two > desk accessories registered, the "ARCGSH" menu is distorted. (Usually I > don't have more than two accessories so I didn't notice it.) > > This bug is fixed with the new Arcgsh 4.1. I just uploaded it to >, and it should soon show up in the directory > /atari/archivers as arcgsh41.zoo. I also sent Arcgsh 4.1 to Steven Grimm > who should post it to > > Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute > Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.bitnet > Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663 > D-W4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386 Is this the thing with characters being left on the screen.?? One thing that did not look right was one of the drop down menus has what looks like Quick Keys, but the letters are way to far over to the right and hard to read, you could move them over to the left a bit and give them a right margin, this would make them far easer to read. The way it look at the moment is that the menu is picking charaters from another menu to the right..!! -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 00:01:27 GMT From:!!!usc!!cis.ohio-sta! (Jeffrey K. Long) Subject: Atari 1040STe/30Meg HD/Mono Monitor $550 To: The Atari System has been sold (to a local user). Thanks to all who made offers. Jeff -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Jeff Long Rome Laboratories, Griffiss AFB, NY (preferred) Network Design Laboratory (315)330-7751 or (DSN)587-7751 ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 03:43:00 GMT From:!!!usc!!ub!acsu.buff!! (UB FENCING CLUB) Subject: codehead TEC query To: A quick post...I placed an order with Codehead for TEC when they first announced the board. I then promptly lost their phone number. Two questions: 1. Does anybody know whether they are shipping yet? Or when, if not? 2. What's their number? Thanks.. .Philip ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 05:39:38 GMT From:!sdcc12!sdcc13! (Adam Tilghman) Subject: codehead TEC query To: In article <> (UB FENCING CLUB) writes: > {A Query regarding the status of the CodeHeads' TEC board} When I called them early last week they said that the thing holding back shipment of the TEC was a lack of TOS ROMs - evidently, Atari found a "last minute" bug in 2.06 and has decided to go with 2.07, which will presumably correct that bug. The person I spoke to over the phone said something like 1-2 weeks from last Monday, but, then again, they said they had a firm Jan. 10th shipping date. (In fact, they told me I would probably get mine before that, because I just ordered the ROMs for my 520STe). The CodeHead's number is: (213)386-5735. They seem to be pretty upset about the situation as well - I think Atari's to blame in this one, not CodeHead. -- adam P.S. - Just i case any of you are wondering: if you have a 520/1040/Mega ST, you need the TEC (TOS Expansion Card) to use TOS 2.0x - if you have an STe, however, you _may_ only need to bridge two jumpers and swap chips (some early STe's [those with TOS 1.60] might need to have their ROM chips desoldered). The ROMs themselves cost $60+S/H direct from CodeHead, which is probably the best price you'll find - CodeHead is selling them at cost. / -- ==== Adam G. Tilghman - - (619)558-2141 ==== == "Martha, fetch my rifle - thar's another UCSD ECE undergrad!" == ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 09:14:22 GMT From: email!! Subject: FTP for PD software To: In article <>, (Jane Fothergill) writes: >Which FTP sites have PD available for the Atari ST???? > >BTW in reference to my last mail about a lack of memory, I was right, I've >taken it back and now possess a 1040 not a mock 1040!!! > >Jane The best ftp sites for the atari st are (in my opinion): Of course, I hope those site names are correct, I typed them from memory... Happy ftp'ing! Marinos Yannikos TU Wien ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1992 04:12 +0100 From: DRAGAN PROTIC Subject: Multifinder for Atari-ST ? To: >> >I need something like the equivalent of the Macintosh multifinder ... >> >Does it exist ? >> >> Not really. Yet. What do you mean not _yet_? And what have i been using past couple of months? ;)))) Have you ever heard of MultiGEM? It works great - only if atarians would respect GEM guidelines a little more and write a little bit more GEM-ish programs (that use _real_ GEM windows, system clipboard, etc...) __________________________________________________________________________ I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off \ \ the shore of Orion. I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark, near the \ \ Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears... in \ \ rain. Time to die. ________________________________________________ / / - "Blade Runner" | C|C | eproticd@yubgef51.bitnet Ph:011/457-116 | / / ___________________|--+--| Dalibor Lanik, using friend's account... |___/_/ | C|C | Sredacka:9, Belgrade 11000, Yugoslavia | \___/ \________________________________________/ ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 04:31:29 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!wupost!!linac!!!r oma! (William Magro) Subject: pcditto software on a TT? To: Has anyone tried the PCDitto software emulator on a TT? If so, does it work or no? If it does work, I wonder if the speed would be good enough to make it actually useful, unlike its speed on a regular ST. Let me know if you know.... Thanks, --Bill ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 04:01:47 GMT From:!!!usc!!tamsun!tamuts!n160ao@ari (Mark Lehmann) Subject: Sozobug 1.33i To: I was not able to get Sozobon 1.33i "Heat and Serve" to install on my 1040ST with TOS 1.0 and 2.5MG. When I get part way through the installation the "-" minus signs turn into a series of random looking characters then I get two bombs. After the two bombs, a error message from the Heat and Serve installtion program says that the "CC.PRG" program cannot be found. Here is what I did to attempt to fix the problem: 1) Downloaded the UUENCODED files again 2) UUDECODED the files again 3) ran the zoo 2.1 integrity check (it passed) 4) un-arced the zoo file again 5) tries the install program again (not luck) 6) checked my disk for problems 7) re-fromated my 60Mg hard disk and mapped out 6 bad sectors 8) did steps 1-6 again and got the same error Here is what I need to know? Is the "Heat and Serve" intended to work only with a certain level of TOS? Has anyone installed it succesfully on a 1040ST with TOS 1.0 and 2.5MG or less of memory? If so, will you send the SOZO133I.ZOO file to the atari archive? Thanks a bunch (especially to Steve Yellington, who always seems to have useful comments about everything) Mark Lehmann!n160ao ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 07:23:49 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!ogicse!milto n! (Ben Gilbert) Subject: Sozobug 1.33i To: In article <> (Mark Lehmann) writes: >I was not able to get Sozobon 1.33i "Heat and Serve" to install on my >1040ST with TOS 1.0 and 2.5MG. When I get part way through the > . > . > . >Is the "Heat and Serve" intended to work only with a certain level of >TOS? Has anyone installed it succesfully on a 1040ST with TOS 1.0 and >2.5MG or less of memory? If so, will you send the SOZO133I.ZOO file to >the atari archive? > >Thanks a bunch (especially to Steve Yellington, who always seems to have >useful comments about everything) >Mark Lehmann >!n160ao I got the heat-n-serve to install on my 520STFM with 2.5 megs and TOS 1.0 I unzoo'd the file and it went to six files I believee, the install.prg, install.doc, gemenv.prg, and three .pdf (packed) files... Then running the install.prg as mentioned in the .doc, it set up my directories and unpacked the stuff for me... I found that to have enough space, I told it to unpack the docs onto one disk and everything else to another (all this in the install program), this should work... (also I was using an 826K disk, but I'm pretty sure it would even work on a 720K one, as long as the docs are on a separate disk). Hope this helps... Ben Gilbert ( ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 01:47:32 GMT From:!!!usc!!sol.ctr.colu! (Philipp Knirsch) Subject: space empire (game) searching... To: Hello, guys... I recently got a user in a new BBS near my home town, and it's got online games!! One of the games is called "SPACE EMPIRE", and in the titlepage it is mentioned that it was first coded on the Atari. So if anybody knows anything about this game and how to get, if it's PD or freeware or shareware or whatever, please email me. Tnx in advance Read ya... Phil. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 10:22:48 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: Supra Interface PROBLEM To: In article <> ba014@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Matthew C. Brinkhoff) writes: > > In a previous article, (Roger Sheppard) says: > > >> I've got a Supra ST DMA->SCSI Interface that's about a year old (It's > >> got the clock on it) and I'm having some troubles. > >> > >You only terminate the last drive in the chain, if not the Supra host adapter > >can't drive all that load.. > > > >What addresses have you set your drives for..?? > > > >On another note can you tell me the part No. of your clock chip in > >the Supra host adapter, this is the big ic.. 24 pins.. > > If I only terminate the last drive in the chain, it's the only one that > works. The supra documentation reccomends terminating the drive closest > to the interface. If I terminate the drive closest to the interface, > erratic performance results (ie, now it's here-now it's not drives.) > > The drives are set for SCSI 0, LUN 0 & SCSI 1, LUN 0. > > The part # on the clock chip is: DS1287 (and yes, I know what the big > Dallas chip is :) I'm not hardware-illiterate (sp), that's why this > puzzles me so much... > o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o > | Orwell was an optimist! | | E Pluribus Unix | > o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o Try replacing the ribbon cables, I have found that R.N. connectors are no very good.. I run a Supra and a 157n drive with no problems at all, how is the PSU, can it handle both drives..? -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 02:25:04 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!uakari.primate.wisc. edu!! (Carter Gregory) Subject: System 7 and Spectre To: In article (Stephan Muhs) writes: >In article <> (Gerald Greenberg) writes: >>It's been a while, so I thought I'd ask again: any news on >>progress toward making Spectre System 7 compatible? e.g., is >>it in beta-version yet? >>Just wondering. >>--Gerry >> > >Here the latest information I got from Gadgets (dated December 31): Spectre >3.1 *should* be ready at the end of January - and it will support System 7. >However, since then I wasn`t able to reach anybody at Gadgets`. I understand >that the lady who ran the paperworks quit in December and moved to Jamaica. > >Since then, Gadgets has been, hmm - let`s say less than responsive. > >Anyway, all release dates by Gadgets should be taken with a grain of salt, >considering that the original release date for Spectre 3.1 was in Summer >1991... > >Stephan > >-- >stephan muhs >wilhelmstr. 51 ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!dino!colonius >5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs >germany voice: +49 221 7393484 I'm..back! Lets see now...more personalized comments..from yours truly: You must be joking?! End of January!? Spectre 3.1? Please don't smoke that stuff while online guy, you could injure yourself... If you read David Small's message he left on the net Spectre development is at a STAND STILL, and has been for quite sometime, almost a year I think. Dave has been too busy programming his utilities for his SST board, and trying to get the thing out... They now are working on a MEGA STE version, which is going to delay things even more. I also suspect that MAC emulation has gone about as far as it is going to on the ST. 68000 machines...anyway. What Dave needs is a MMU based machine to do any more serious developement, to map out those naughty hardware direct instructions. I think Dave realizes this, and has decided to get the SST out so that we can achieve the next level of cheap mac emulation.... CHEAP, high quality: High res COLOR support... Possibly NuBUS support in the future??? (Probably not, but its fun to wonder..) ... And, hopefully to use MORE actual Apple equipment on our machines.... I really admire, Apple's display equipment, its very nice... I have been saving my money for a nice SST machine. -Greg ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 03:06:30 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!usc!!!yf!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm!ndsuvm1!mtus5! (Jeff McWilliams) Subject: VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's To: Yes, the 386SX is basically a 386 32bit CPU in a 16 bit package. It will run all 386 stuff, just slower because of the data bus. The IBM people say it's a crippled CPU, I guess in a way it is. With costs constantly coming down on the 386 now that the 486 is out and "THE THING" I don't know if it's even justifiable to get a 386SX anymore. Of course for someone NORMAL it would still be plenty of horsepower ... unless you want to run windows. Just my opinions....... Jeff McWilliams JJMCWILL@MTUS5.CTS.MTU.EDU GEnie: J.MCWILLIAM3 "Atari 8-bit die hards never run out of power" ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 92 09:39:45 GMT From: email!! Subject: VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's To: In article <>, (Eric Hobbs) writes: >In article <> stigvi@Lise.Unit.NO (Stig Vidar Hovland) writes: >>In article <>, (Torsten Scherer) writes: >> > >> > Some facts : >> > >> > - 32 bit CPU 80C386SX-16MHz >> >>This must be wrong. Isn't the 80386SX a 16 bit processor as the same way the 68000 is. >> >>Stig Vidar Hovland - > > >Don't flame me if I'm wrong, but I believe a 386SX is a 32-bit >processor, but it has a 16-bit bus. > >Anyone know for sure? > >Eric A. Hobbs > You're right!! Marinos Yannikos ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jan 92 15:50:43 GMT From:!!!usc!wupost!!!f auern!unido!horga!!brewak!mailmak! (Theo Janssen) Subject: XENIX/UNIX on ST's ? To: Howdy ! After having read the articles about Vortex's new 386SX Emulator, i got the (crazy ?!) idea to run XENIX or perhaps (more crazy ?!) SCO UNIX on the ST. I read a test about the Emulator and even 'problem-software' like Borland's Turbo-Debugger shall work. Should it really be possible to run *IX on ST's ? greetings Theo -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DON`T FORCE IT, | Theo Janssen, Kielstrasse 1, 4600 Dortmund, FRG USE A BIGGER HAMMER !| Voice: +49 231 830394 /|\ | USBANG: {uunet}!cbmvax!cbmger!brewas!brewak!mailmak!theo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************